Friday 25 June 2010

Free Jetsonics downloads

My band is on HayesFM 91.8 tonight. Rocking! they are also online at

Also this weekend (now in fact..and it's only Friday!) you can download our new songs completely FREE. All we ask is that when you visit you also join our mailing list so we can say hello :-)

So go now to and hit the music knob to download the new songs.

Then join the mailing list by clicking here:

Monday 14 June 2010

Richard Avedon portraits of The Beatles

Why have I never seen these amazing photos before? I would like to take some fantastic photos like these. Of course subject matter is important, but still very nice.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

I need to see this Adidas world cup advert!

"Adidas is using the England versus USA match to debut a Star Wars-themed World Cup ad. The German sportswear giant has hijacked the bar scene from the first Star Wars film, splicing stars including David Beckham, Franz Beckenbauer and a light-saber-wielding Snoop Dogg into original scenes featuring Han Solo and Obi-Wan Kenobi."

Sounds awesome.